Posts Tagged: Africa

Beyond Covid-access to skills
30th March 2021

Beyond Covid-access to skills

The Covid-19 virus has meant the closure of schools for more than a year and for some girls in Uganda, the outcomes have been devastating. The incidence of teenage pregnancies is off scale and so are sexual assaults. you can read about the situation in Ruhanga at this link Who is celebrating International Women’s Day? …

25th July 2020

Access to education in the age of COVID

LTHT has been providing Skills Workshops for girls Not In Education, Employment or Training since 2018.  Going forward, the availability of such workshops will matter more because of COVID.   As parents lose their sources of income, their ability to pay school fees will be impacted. Sadly this means too, that any available resources will go …

28th March 2020

Menstrual Hygiene in the Community

A menstrual hygiene report carried out in Uganda showed that girls in rural areas miss 3 to 5 days of school each month during their menstrual periods, staying home using strips of toilet paper or old rags. This leads to poor school performance and eventually school dropouts A menstrual hygiene report carried out in Uganda …

12th March 2020

Menstrual Hygiene Management in Ntungamo secondary schools

On 28 May 2016, we launched a Menstrual Hygiene Management program (MHM)  in Ntungamo SW Uganda with a view to ensuring that women and girls manage their monthly period in a hygienic way. This involves ensuring that girls and women have access to information about menstruation as well as access to clean and safe menstrual absorbents. As …

28th February 2020

Educating Girls about Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene

  The organisers of Menstrual Hygiene Day say that although there has been a lot of good work on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) either currently underway or already completed, we are a long way off from achieving an even playing field for girls and women worldwide. Menstruation stigma persists in some parts of the world …

28th February 2020

Who are the Ultra Poor?

The Ultra Poor are defined as those people who live on less than 50 cents a day. On 9 December 2015, the media here in the United Kingdom was preoccupied by the Ultra Poor. This is because of a report launched that day by the charity BRAC   at a lecture hosted London School of Economics (LSE) . The lecture …

28th February 2020

Send a chicken to an African Woman

We need your assistance to help women in rural Uganda increase their income from 40p to £1.75 a week. That’s just 25 p a day and half the price of a daily newspaper here in the UK but £1.75 is the amount of money a woman in Uganda needs to send three children to a …

28th February 2020

Pig farming- a new project for ultra poor women

A few weeks ago we added pig farming to our range of livelihood programmes for ultra poor women in Ntungamo district. Through this program, we provide women with an asset as well as training. these are women without capital to start enterprises and the asset we provide enables the women to generate income as well as build …

23rd February 2020

Public Private Partnership – access to clean water

In order to bring clean water to the peri-urban areas of Ntungamo municipality, we have teamed up with the National Water and Sewerage Company of Uganda. The NWSC is a government parastatal responsible for the water supply and sewerage services in various large towns in Uganda and is the sole authorized provider of clean potable water services ...

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